Tuesday 25 March 2008

Type IPA phonetic symbols online!!

This page allows you to easily type phonetic transcriptions of English words in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). You can edit your text in the box and then copy it to your e-mail application, word processor, etc.
If you can't see phonetic symbols on this page, you must install a Unicode font with IPA symbols.
Warning: The full set of characters is available only in Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher for Windows.


The editor allows you to type pronunciations of English words as they appear in English dictionaries.

  • After you copy text from the above box and paste it into your word processor or e-mail message, make sure you choose a Unicode font with IPA symbols in your word processor or e-mail application. Otherwise, phonetic symbols will not display correctly.
  • A few rarely used symbols, such as the "flap t" symbol (the letter t with a small "v" underneath) or the syllabic l and n (l or n with a small vertical line underneath) are missing because they are not rendered correctly by presently available browsers.
  • The goal of the editor is to provide a way to enter IPA-based phonemic transcriptions, therefore more arcane symbols used in "narrow" transcriptions are not included.
  • The underline can be used as an alternative to the apostrophe (') to mark the stressed syllable.
  • Ctrl+Z is used to type ʒ. To Undo, right-click in the text box and choose "Undo".
  • For help with transcribing, refer to Antimoon's table with IPA phonetic symbols, example words, and recordings (make sure you read the footnotes).
  • In addition to the symbols shown in the table, the editor provides two extra symbols:
    • The ɪ (italicized ɪ) can be used to indicate that either ɪ or ə can be pronounced, as in possible.
    • The ʊ (italicized ʊ) can be used to indicate that either ʊ or ə can be pronounced, as in education.

    You can also italicize any part of the text by clicking the appropriate button.

GO to the SITE NOW!

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